Interlife Designs is owned and operated by Thomas Wolff, 2002 - 2012.
All content on this site is the sole property of Interlife Designs (Thomas Wolff) unless otherwise noted. A small number of graphics are used from external resources, including Designed-to-a-T and Digital Blasphemy, with permission and within their appropriate content-usage clauses.
Any TGF Team games posted in the Game Design pages feature Sonic the Hedgehog and other various characters and locations from the Sonic universe.  These characters, names, places, and original graphics are the property of SEGA/Sonic Team, and are used in a non-profit manner for entertainment and promotional purposes only.
All content within this website may be used for viewing purposes only, and any other use - commercial or private - must be granted prior to use via written consent from an Interlife Designs staff member.
Questions regarding the legality of site and content use? Contact us below.