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At New England Preschool Academy, our mission is to serve each family to the best of our ability, while creating a framework of high self-esteem, confidence, and independence in all our students. NEPA is an educationally-based program, providing developmentally appropriate curriculum and enrichments to our classrooms.


The goal of New England Preschool Academy is to provide your child with experiences which foster high self-esteem and self-confidence. We offer your child hands on learning in a relaxed atmosphere, which grows in structure as your child grows and prepares to enter the elementary school system. We offer the opportunity for each child to explore his or her surroundings, learn new things every day, and learn to adapt successfully to a group situation. With competent adult supervision and guidance, we give the children the opportunity to make decisions and put them in control of their environment. Every child should leave our program with the ability to meet new and challenging experiences with confidence.


It is important to us to give your child the highest quality care available. Please do not hesitate to speak with your child's teacher or the Center Director with any suggestions or concerns. You may also leave suggestions at any time in the tuition box in your center. We will, throughout the year, have many opportunities for you to be actively involved in the life of our center, whether it be through conference sessions or family/center gatherings. Please always be aware that we are a group center, and while we strive to meet the individual needs of each family, we must also always think of the group as a whole, and make decisions for our students based on their needs and the needs of their group.



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