Release Date: Winter 2004  |  Players: 1  |  Genre: 2D Platformer  |  Ranking: 8 of 10

*Note: this title is only a Demo, and contains two levels of play
Continuing the TGF Team saga of Sonic the Hedgehog, our hero is back in a direct sequel to the award-winning Bladerunners SX.  Things look bleak for Sonic and Tails, as they've been driven out of the very city they fight to protect.  Bladerunners Revolution brings an all-new game engine to the series, complete with new power-ups and in-game shop using all the Rings and Chaos Drives earned from previous games.



Release Date: Fall 2004  |  Players: 1  |  Genre: 2D Platformer  |  Ranking: 9 of 10

Times are tough when Sonic has to compete against his allies in order to keep the city safe.  Worse yet, a new enemy has arrived unlike Sonic has ever seen.  Bladerunners SX is a fully-featured game, complete with high-resolution graphics and character animations, a completely new game-engine featuring physics, pipe grinding, and new attacks, and a compelling storyline unlike any of the games before it.  New features top this title off with unlockable cheat codes, cross-game item integration, hidden areas, and so much more.  If you only download one of the TGF Team games, make sure this one is it.


SONIC 2099

Release Date: Summer 2002  |  Players: 1  |  Genre: 2D Platformer  |  Ranking: 7 of 10

Dr. Eggman has captured Sonic's friends, leaving a path of destruction in his wake.  Sonic 2099 includes several features unique to this title, including the Dash Jump attack move, playable vehicle segments, and the ability to play as Super Sonic through a majority of the game.  It was also one of the first TGF Team games to feature an actual save-game system, so players wouldn't need to start over every time they play the game.  While the core game engine will feel dated by today's standards, there's still enjoyment to be had with this title.



Release Date: Spring 2001  |  Players: 2  |  Genre: 2D Platformer  |  Ranking: 5 of 10

Sonic and his latest nemesis, Shadow, go head-to-head in this fight for the finish.  While Sonic Dead-Zone is running on an obsolete game engine when compared to 2099 or SX, the game does feature a few items that make this title shine.  It's the only game in the TGF Team saga that features multiplayer, albeit through a short mini-game, and also lets players pick their favorite character to play, each with their own unique storyline.



Release Date: Winter 2000  |  Players: 1  |  Genre: 2D Platformer  |  Ranking: 4 of 10

While Sonic QTE 2 had the potential to be a decent game in the TGF Team series, the project was cut short about half-way through in order to meet the release deadline, thus making the game feel  unfinished.  What's unique to this title is the art style - all characters, backgrounds, and items are double their normal size, making everything easier to see, and the actual character model for Sonic is considered by fans as one of the best-looking Sonics to date.



Release Date: Winter 2000  |  Players: 1  |  Genre: 2D Platformer  |  Ranking: 2 of 10

This one's rough, plain and simple.  Sonic QTE was one of the very first TGF Team games, and while it's a good effort - it's actually much more complete than its improved sequel - the game falls short on its core game engine to the point that the game is almost unplayable.  The game gets its name from the short quick-time-events (QTE) located between various levels, where the game quickly throws a sequence of buttons on screen that the player tries to follow.  Should these difficult sequences be pulled off, the player is rewarded with various items and power-ups to make further levels easier.



Release Date: Fall 2000  |  Players: 1  |  Genre: 2D Platformer  |  Ranking: 2 of 10

Sonic: Millenium Edition is running on a similar game engine to both Sonic QTE and Sonic Adventure 2, and as such, shares all the strengths and the flaws of these titles.  The unique feature to this game, however, is the ability to play as a variety of different characters.  As the player works through the game, they'll pick up pieces of the story through the eyes of Sonic and a number of his allies before tying everything together in the final chapter.




Release Date: Fall 2004  |  Players: 1  |  Genre: 2D Platformer  |  Ranking: 7 of 10

*Note: this title is only a Demo, and contains three levels of play
The Sonic the Hedgehog saga spanning across all of the TGF Team games began right here, with Sonic Adventure 2.  While the original title is virtually unplayable due to its poor quality (it was the very first game TGF Team created, afterall), the "Revival" version of this title demonstrates the game using the much-more-current Bladerunners SX game engine.  While it maintains and expands upon the storyline from the original game, everything from the graphics to the core gameplay have been updated to provide a much higher-quality experience.



Release Date: Summer 2000  |  Players: 1  |  Genre: 2D Platformer  |  Ranking: 2 of 10

As the very first public game release by TGF Team, Sonic Adventure 2 holds a special place in our heart.  Despite sharing the same title as SEGA's actual Sonic Adventure series, this game shares no similarities to the Dreamcast classic.  With an extremely basic game engine riddled with bugs and poor collision detection, this title is extremely difficult to play - despite the inability to actually "die".  Still, the effort was made through the simple graphics and cutscenes, and this title would mark the beginning of TGF Team's saga that would lead all the way up to the classic Bladerunners SX.


*Note: if you'd like to try this title using a current game engine, thus providing a much higher-quality experience, check out Sonic Adventure 2 "Revival" instead.


Sonic the Hedgehog is © SEGA/Sonic Team
Interlife Designs/TGF Team have no affiliation with SEGA